Python Coding

Python is arguably the most popular language not only in education but in industry. Use it with your Invent! kit ...

Please note that your kit is a Beta pre-production version to demonstrate the latest features. We are still testing these new features and writing documentation. Please Contact us if you encounter problems and to make suggestions to help improve Invent!

Python Coding Tutorials

Get moving & rescue the astronaut ...

Invent! robot front view

Control lights & sounds & detect obstacles ...

Input / Output

Race tracks and line following

Line Sensor

Advanced line following with branches and gaps

Mega Track 2

More advanced use of the line sensor

Tunnels & Mazes
Invent! robot drawing geometric patterns

Drawing using precise movements & turns


Making sounds and playing music

Sound Effects

Get your robot moving to music and lights

Invent! programmable remote control

Create a remote-controlled robot

Remote Control

Play robot football, sumo & capture the flag

Robo Games